Religions and Tattoos


The Jewish view on tattooing includes the same bible verses mentioned above. Orthodox Jewish tradition essentially forbids any permanent changes to the body, except for the circumcision of boys. The reason is a matter of discussion, but it's often said that the body is a gift from the Lord, and therefore sacred. Making permanent marks on the body shows disrespect. (This prohibition does not extend to tattoos done for medical reasons, such as chemotherapy.) So for many Jews, tattoos are not allowed. Even secular (non-observant) Jews often feel uncomfortable with the idea. On the other hand, it's a Jewish tradition to argue about the meanings in the Torah (the Jewish bible) and there are certainly Jewish people who love tattoos and have no problem with getting inked.


Some Christians take this to mean that tattoos are forbidden. Others choose to interpret this whole verse as referring to funeral rituals, not to ordinary tattoos. And some believe that the "marks" refer to idolatrous images. Supposedly, scarring and tattooing were popular among non-Christians; Christians were forbidden to have other religions' marks on their skin.


There's no prohibition on tattooing in Hinduism. In fact, some groups in India include tattooing as part of their culture. Many Hindu images are very intricate and beautiful, and a Hindu or Indian design can make a striking tattoo.


Sometimes religions and tattoos don't go together at all. Tattoos are not only forbidden in Islam, they can permanently prevent someone from being at peace with god. In general, Muslims may not make any permanent changes to the body to enhance beauty. For most Muslims, tattoos are considered ornaments, and are included in this ban. A few religious leaders do disagree, and for secular Muslims having a tattoo may not be a problem at all.
If someone with a tattoo converts to Islam, the tattoo may be accepted as part of the person's past. However, new tattoos would be considered not just disrespectful but haram, or forbidden.
Religions and Tattoos Religions and Tattoos Reviewed by Ssasuke on Åžubat 02, 2020 Rating: 5
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